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New updates and improvements to Pax

Quick iPhone Guide

You can get PaxMail up and running on your iPhone in 5 minutes. 

Safari will need to be your default browser for this to work as only Safari can install configuration profiles

There are 3 steps
  1. Install the Mail Profile
  2. Install the Nextcloud App
  3. Install the Calendar/Contact Profile

Install Mail Profile

To get mail setup, make sure you are logged in to PaxMail, and then click on this link in order to download the mail profile.

You can access the Profile in the Settings App

Settings -> General -> VPN & Device Management

You'll see your email address as the "Downloaded Profile"
Click on it and install it.

Allow Download of Mail Profile

Now go to Settings to Install the Profile

Go to VPN & Device Management

Click on Install in the Upper Right Corner

You'll need to enter your mail password in order to verify that the profile works. Once the profile is installed, your mail should be available in the IOS mail app.


You'll need to download the NextCloud app. Click here to do so.

  1. Configure NextCloud:
    • Open the NextCloud app after installation.
    • Enter https://drive.paxmail.cc for the address

Telling Nextcloud where our server is

  • You'll have to log into PaxMail in order to complete this step, but once you do you'll see your files in the App

Being redirected to to log in to Paxmail inside the Nextcloud app

You'll need to Grant Access

This will give you access to your files on your phone. 

Install the Calendar/Contact Profile

To get your calendar and contacts synced, open the Nextcloud app, click on the "More" button on the bottom right of the screen, and then click on "Settings"

Click on "Download the configuration profile" and install it.

Your phone will now sync your contacts and calendar to Pax.

The More Screen in Nextcloud, click Settings to get to the Contact/Calendar Profile Download

Click on "Download the configuration profile"

The Profile that Nextcloud added, click on it and install it

Quick Android Guide

You can get PaxMail up and running on your Android device in 5 minutes. You'll need to download 3 apps:

NextCloud (For Files)
DavX (to sync Contacts/Calendars)
K9 (for email)

  1. Configure NextCloud:
    • Open the NextCloud app after installation.
    • Enter https://drive.paxmail.cc for the address

      Telling Nextcloud where our server is
    • You'll have to log into PaxMail in order to complete this step, but once you do you'll see your files in the App

Being redirected to to log in to Paxmail inside the Nextcloud app

You'll need to Grant Access

  1. Sync Calendar and Contacts:
    • You'll need the Nextcloud App installed in order to sync Calendar and Contacts
    • After the NextCloud app is set up, navigate to the app’s settings by tapping on the menu (usually a three-dot or hamburger icon), click on SETTINGS
    • Look for the option that says “Sync Calendar and Contacts” and select it.
    • This action will automatically direct you to install and configure DAVx⁵ (a CalDAV/CardDAV app) to sync your calendar and contacts with NextCloud.

Click on the three lines to the left of "Search in PaxMail" to reveal the "Settings" link

Click on the hamburger next to the search bar, then click on "Settings"

In the settings menu of Nextcloud, click "Sync calendar and contacts"

You'll see our address pre-populated in DavX. If not, add it

Select "Groups are per-contact categories"

You'll see your calendars under the "CalDAV" tab. Select the ones you want to sync. These will show up in the Google Calendar app where you can use them.

On the CardDAV tab you can select to sync your Contacts

K9 Mail
  1. Download the K9 Mail App:
    • Visit your device’s app store and search for “K9 Mail.”
    • Download and install the app.
  2. Configure Your Pax Email Account:
    • Open the K9 Mail app after installation.
    • On the initial setup screen, enter your Pax email address and password.
    • K9 Mail’s autoconfig feature will automatically detect the correct settings for your Pax email account as long as you are using a paxmail.cc address, you may have to enter the server details manually for a custom domain.
    • Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the setup.

Enter your myname@paxmail.cc address here

Select how often you want K9 to Sync your messages

Allow K9 access to the contacts we are syncing with DavX

Voila, we have access to our mail with K9

Now your NextCloud, calendar, contacts, and email should all be set up and ready to use with Pax!

Plus Addressing


PaxMail now supports plus addressing. 

Email Plus Addressing, also known as sub-addressing or tagged addressing, is a feature that allows users to create variations of their primary email address by adding a "+tag" or "+keyword" after their username but before the "@" symbol. For example, if your email address is "username@example.com" you can use "username+tag@example.com" or "username+keyword@example.com" to create unique email addresses that still direct emails to your primary inbox.

This feature is beneficial for organizing and filtering incoming emails. Users can set up filters or rules based on the "+tag" or "+keyword" to automatically sort emails into specific folders, label them, or apply other actions. It also helps users identify the source of incoming emails more easily, as the added tags or keywords can indicate where the email address was shared or used.

Overall, Email Plus Addressing provides a flexible and efficient way for users to manage and organize their emails without the need to create multiple email accounts.

Sync Jobs!

We now support bringing over your old email from any IMAP provider which supports PLAIN authentication. Syncing usually takes about 24 hours, and we recommend that you first switch DNS, wait a day, then sync over all the old emails. Note that Microsoft dropped their support for PLAIN IMAP authentication last year, so office 365 is not currently supported, though we are working on a workaround.

Aliases and App Passwords are available!

You now have the option to create aliases and App Passwords in your dashboard! Just log in, select the Aliases or App Passwords tab, and create up to 20 of each. Please let us know if you run into any issues.

Purchasing multiple addresses

You can now purchase multiple Paxmail addresses or multiple domain accounts from your initial Paxmail account. When you log into the admin console, click on the "Accounts" tab and you'll see a button where you can add new addresses. 

Custom Domains

We do support custom domains as you will find in our documentation, but they will need to be purchased elsewhere as we currently don't support buying the domain with us. Once you have purchased the domain elsewhere, you can update DNS MX records (and others) to point to Paxmail. This means that if you don't purchase the domain elsewhere or don't change the DNS records that are listed under the "DNS" tab of the admin console, your custom domain email won't work.

Beta coming soon!

e will soon be launching our beta, make sure you are signed up to the waitlist to hear the official announcement. Soon there will be hope for inboxes.

Coming Soon